Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart,

‘’Tis woman’s whole existence.

By: Byron

Who is "Unequally Yoked?"

If you were a Christian when you married and you married a non-Christian, you are unequally yoked. This whole book is for you. You will need to do every step.

If you and your husband were non-Christians when you married and you became a Christian since you married, you are unequally yoked. The whole book can be beneficial to you; but any area where it says you have sinned because you are unequally yoked is not true. You did not deliberately become unequally yoked.

Scripture says you should not be unequally yoked. Scripture also gives you a plan whereby your husband can be saved. God has not gone against His word by saving you first. God just saved you before He saved your husband. He would not save you unless He plans to save your husband or unless He knows that your husband is going to leave you.

Scripture says you are not to leave your husband but if he leaves you, let him go. You are not bound by the marriage. God does not go against His own word. What He plans to do is an accomplished fact.

Many people believe Inter-denominational marriages (Methodist, Pentecostal, Catholic, Baptist, etc.) are unequally yoked. Even though there are problems in inter-denominational marriages. This is not what the Bible calls unequally yoked. In an inter-denominational marriage, you still have the basics in common. You both put your faith and trust in Jesus; have the same Holy Spirit to guide you and use the Holy Scriptures (Bible) as your guide. You are not unequally yoked - you simply worship the same God in a slightly different manner.

Some people think inter-racial marriages are unequally yoked. There are problems in inter-racial marriages. But, if you are both Christians, you have a common foundation (Jesus, Holy Spirit and Bible) to work from - you are not unequally yoked. Otherwise, Ruth could not have been in Jesus’ family tree. She was a pagan who converted to the Jewish religion. Ruth was not a Jew racially.

To singles: there are many people who profess to be Christians and are not. Jesus said you could identify them by their fruit. The fruit of the Spirit is:

  1. LOVE - (Binds together all the other fruit) is sincere, hospitable, blesses (removes worry), is harmonious, does no harm to its neighbor, rejoices with the truth, always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres, helps, rebukes and disciplines, willingly gives up own desires for good of others, forgives instead of getting even. It is the opposite of hate. Love comes via the Holy Spirit and grows as we use it. Love results in overcoming evil.
  2. JOY – a celebration that constantly bubbles up from deep inside that does not depend on circumstances. It is the opposite of grumbling and complaining. It comes from knowing you are saved. Comes via the Holy Spirit as we love and trust Jesus, love righteousness, hate wickedness, by hearing and understanding God’s Word, by miracles, by our being able to overcome demons, by God blessing the work of our hands. Joy gives us hope and strength. Joy makes us feel thankful, helps us tell others about Jesus and causes us to be generous givers.
  3. PEACE – calm confidence, quietness, rest, safety, feeling blameless, upright, strength, security, sharing life and hope. It is the opposite of turmoil and discontentment. Peace comes by allowing our hearts and minds to be controlled by the Holy Spirit, by the knowledge of God and Jesus. Peace comes by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, Jesus’ blood shed on the cross, listening to God’s promises, loving God’s law, if our ways are pleasing to the Lord, if we pay attention to God’s commands, if we are righteous, if we are not wicked, by God’s compassion, by keeping our minds steadfast on trusting Jesus, by Jesus’ overcoming the world, by doing good. As we learn to walk in the Spirit, we feel peace more often. Peace guards our hearts and minds, brings unity and reaps a harvest of righteousness.
  4. PATIENCE – To excitedly wait; calmness, composure, courage, endurance, forbearance, inner strength, self-possession, overlooking an offence. It is the opposite of action without thought and waiting for nothing or no one. Patience comes from tribulations, wisdom and by being strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit. Patience persuades people and inherits what is promised.
  5. GENTLENESS - power under control (like a mother caring for her little children or a wild animal that has been tamed). Gentleness comes via the Holy Spirit and by allowing God to refine us. Gentleness causes people to trust you.
  6. GOODNESS – Usefulness, decency, honesty, integrity, morality, righteousness, does not deliberately go against God’s will and sin through an immoral act, doing something without expecting anything in return, to feed and give drink (even to your enemies), to minister, comfort and deliver. It is the opposite of selfishness, evil and uselessness. Goodness comes by fearing and trusting God. Goodness results in knowledge.
  7. FAITHFULNESS -allegiance, duty, fidelity, loyalty, diligently strives to honor his own words, throwing away idols and worshiping God only, protects, provides a refuge and relief, prays for others, fulfills commitments, seeks and brings forth justice and walks in the truth. It is the opposite of lies, sneaking, betraying and cheating. Faithfulness comes by planning what is good. Faithfulness results in protection, refuge, relief, answered prayers and atonement of sin.
  8. KINDNESS - courtesy, favor, good turn, service, enjoys doing things that make others feel good, sparing someone’s life, dealing honestly, releasing from prison, saving life, showing favor to, restoring property to, expressing sympathy for, inviting to dinner, watching over spirit, removing yoke of oppression, having compassion on, allowing to go to friends so they can provide for needs, keeping warm and welcoming. It is the opposite of getting even with or being cruel to. Kindness comes by God’s mercy via the Holy Spirit; we continue to receive kindness if we continue to be kind. Kindness leads to repentance.
  9. SELF-CONTROL - balance, composure, equilibrium, poise, self-possession, the ability to control one’s emotions and reactions, integrity, seriousness, soundness of speech (does not curse or use God’s name in vain). It is the opposite of having a temper tantrum or being violent in word or deed. We receive self-control by setting our hope fully on the grace Jesus gives us. Self-control protects you from Satan and helps you pray.

Christians receive all these characteristics when they are born again (born of the Spirit). The more they use the fruit, the stronger it will become in the person. Baby Christians, New Converts, evidence them in a mild form - mature Christians portray them more prominently.

Now you know how to recognize a Christian - (1 Cor. 6:14-18; Ja. 4:1-10)
